Monday, March 29, 2010

Paper 3 Topic Proposal

Early Childhood Education

My topic for paper #3 is Early Childhood Education. Up until last semester I had no idea what career I wanted to pursue, but being involved in the service learning program changed that. I volunteered for PUSD in a kindergarten class at Miller Valley Elementary and decided that teaching would be a career I would like to look into more. I now volunteer at Model Creek School in Peeples Valley and im positive I want to get my teaching degree. This semester I have enrolled in my first education class. I want to help the children of our future and be a role model to kids. During my service learning hours I found that there is a lot of help needed in the education field and I want to make a difference. Paper #3 should give me a lot more insight on the requirements and hardships of teaching.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


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